We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

You can reach us at the following emails:

  • Yeh Yu Chun: e0406750@u.nus.edu
  • Lim Koon Kiat: e0389069@u.nus.edu
  • Lee York Tat: e0407156@u.nus.edu
  • Robin Ho: e0014938@u.nus.edu
  • Zhu Yuxuan: e0424709@u.nus.edu

Project team

Yeh Yu Chun

[github] [portfolio]

Lim Koon Kiat

[github] [portfolio]

Lee York Tat

[github] [portfolio]

Robin Ho

[github] [portfolio]

Zhu Yuxuan

[github] [portfolio]