
Table of Contents

1. Introduction (York Tat)

TrackPad is a desktop app for planning your trips and tracking tourist attractions, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). TrackPad is built for people who love to travel and want to collate all their itineraries neatly in one single app. Our intuitive commands utilise words in full, making it easy for you to remember. If you can type fast, TrackPad can get your itinerary planned faster than traditional GUI apps. Minimal prior technical knowledge is needed in order to use TrackPad so try out TrackPad now to make your travel planning easier and faster!

2. About This Document (York Tat)

Welcome to the TrackPad User Guide!

We at TrackPad know how difficult and messy it can get when it comes to keeping track of your travel itineraries and TrackPad is a fuss-free app that helps you keep track of all your travel related information.

This simple guide provides a comprehensive description of the features in TrackPad and also includes a Getting Started section that helps you get started.

Here are some symbols we will be using in this guide to help you along:

:information_source: Boxes with the :information_source: icon contain additional information.
:bulb: Boxes with the :bulb: icon contain useful tips.
:warning: Boxes with the :warning: icon contain caution messages.

3. Getting Started (Robin)

Here are the steps to download TrackPad and start using it immediately!

Step 1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

Step 2. Download the latest trackpad.jar from here.

Step 3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TrackPad.

Step 4. Double-click the file to start the app. An application similar to Figure 1 should appear in a few seconds. Here’s how your app should look like! Note how the app contains data on Rediscover Singapore attractions.


Figure 1. The Ui of TrackPad

Step 5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Let’s try it out by adding Gardens by the Bay into the app. Type in add-attraction n/Gardens by the Bay l/Singapore, Singapore a/18 Marina Gardens Dr, 018953 r/4.7! Your application should look like this when you scroll to the bottom of the attractions list.


Figure 2. Adding Gardens by the Bay

Step 6. Oh no, you forgot to add the opening hours for Gardens by the Bay. No worries! By using the edit-attraction 11 op/0500-0200, we can edit the 11th attraction to add the opening hours from 5am to 2am.


Figure 3. Editing Gardens by the Bay to add Opening Hours

Step 7. Now, you want to create a one day itinerary to visit the Gardens by the Bay. Easy! Just type in add-itinerary n/Walk in the Park sd/01-01-2021 ed/01-01-2021 d/Appreciate Singapore's flora and fauna.


Figure 4. Adding the new itinerary

Step 8. To add Gardens by the Bay into the itinerary you just created, select the itinerary you want to add the attraction into, by select-itinerary 2.


Figure 5. Selecting the itinerary

Step 9. If you want to visit Gardens by the Bay from 10am to 2pm on the first day of your trip, type add-itinerary-attraction 11 day/1 st/1000 et/1400.


Figure 6. Adding Gardens by the Bay into the itinerary

Step 10. You are done! Feel free to add more attractions into the itinerary, or read on to discover other commands that will give you more control over TrackPad, such as find-attraction and delete-attraction!

4. Features

In this section, we will go into the details of all the features available for you to use after installing TrackPad. These features are split into 4 subsections, Attraction Features, Itinerary Features, Itinerary Attraction Features and Miscellaneous Features.

4.1 Command Format (Yuxuan)

Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the fields to be supplied by you.
    e.g. in add-attraction n/ATTRACTION, ATTRACTION is a field which can be used as add-attraction n/USS.

  • Fields in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/ATTRACTION [t/TAG] can be used as n/USS t/28 OCT or as n/USS.

  • Fields with ​ after them can be used multiple times or not used at all.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (not used), t/Singapore, t/friend t/family etc.

  • If a field cannot be used multiple times, and you supply 2 or more of the same field, the app takes only the last specified field.
    e.g. if you type add-attraction n/USS n/Marina Bay Sands l/Singapore, Singapore, which contains 2 names, “USS” and “Marina Bay Sands”, only “Marina Bay Sands” is taken.

  • Fields can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/ATTRACTION p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/ATTRACTION is also acceptable.

  • All fields are case sensitive unless stated otherwise.
    e.g. add-attraction n/Singapore Zoo l/Singapore followed by add-attraction n/singapore zoo l/singapore will create two different attractions in the same list.

4.2 Attraction Features (York Tat)

Attractions are the core building blocks of TrackPad and are required to populate your itineraries!

The figure below shows how an attraction looks like in the attractions panel.

result_of_clearing all_attractions

Figure 7. Breakdown of an attraction

The table below shows a summary of the commands in this section.

Action Format, Examples
e.g. add n/Singapore Zoo p/62693411 t/hot a/80 Mandai Lake Rd, 729826
Edit attraction edit-attraction INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​
e.g. edit 2 n/Singapore Zoo e/zoo@example.com
Delete attraction delete-attraction INDEX
e.g. delete 3
Mark Visited attraction markVisited-attraction INDEX
e.g. markVisited-attraction 2
Find attraction find-attraction KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. find Zoo
List attractions list-attraction
Clear all attractions clear-attraction

4.2.1 Adding a tourist attraction: add-attraction

Adds a tourist attraction to the current list of attractions. Each attraction must contain a name and a location. Additionally, use the optional fields (as listed below) to include more information for your attractions.

Format (Minimal): add-attraction n/ATTRACTION_NAME l/LOCATION


Compulsory fields Description
ATTRACTION_NAME Takes only letters and numbers and should not be blank
LOCATION Takes any value, we recommend the format: CITY, COUNTRY
Optional fields Description
DESCRIPTION Takes any value
PHONE_NUMBER Takes only numbers and be at least 3 digits long with no spaces in between
EMAIL Takes the format local-part@domain
ADDRESS Takes the postal address of the attraction which can be any value
OPENING_HOURS Takes the format opening time - closing time, both in the 24H format HHMM-HHMM
PRICE_RANGE Takes one of the following ranges: LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH
RATING Takes a number between 0.0 to 5.0
VISITED Takes either TRUE if visited or FALSE otherwise
TAG Takes only letters and numbers
:information_source: Note: The opening time of an attraction can be later than it’s the closing time as some attractions operate overnight.
:bulb: Tip: An attraction can have any number of tags.

For example:

You plan on visiting Gardens by the Bay over the weekends.

  1. Enter add-attraction n/Gardens by the Bay a/18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953 l/Singapore, Singapore t/sightseeing e/feedback@gardensbythebay.com.sg op/0500-0200 pr/LOW r/4.7 v/FALSE into the command box.

    result_of_add attractions

    Figure 8a. Before entering add-attraction n/Gardens by the Bay a/18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953 l/Singapore, Singapore t/sightseeing e/feedback@gardensbythebay.com.sg op/0500-0200 pr/LOW r/4.7 v/FALSE
  2. Note how Gardens by the Bay appears in the Attractions panel.


    Figure 8b. After entering add-attraction n/Gardens by the Bay a/18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953 l/Singapore, Singapore t/sightseeing e/feedback@gardensbythebay.com.sg op/0500-0200 pr/LOW r/4.7 v/FALSE

Try these other examples too!

  • add-attraction n/Singapore Flyer a/30 Raffles Ave, Singapore 039803 l/Singapore, Singapore
  • add-attraction n/Clarke Quay a/3 River Valley Rd, Singapore 179024 l/Singapore, Singapore t/drinking pr/MEDIUM r/4.5
:information_source: Note: Multiple attractions of the same name and location cannot be added into the current list of attractions.

4.2.2 Editing a tourist attraction: edit-attraction

Edits a tourist attraction in the current list of attractions.


  • Edits the attraction at the specified INDEX shown in the attractions panel.
  • Field entries are the same as the add-attraction command.
  • Any field can be changed by inputting its corresponding PREFIX in the command.
  • New fields can be added to current attractions.
:information_source: Note: You can use edit-attraction INDEX PREFIX/ to remove existing optional fields.

For example:

You realise that the rating of Gardens by the Bay is wrongly reflected and want to add the price range for the attraction.

  1. Enter edit-attraction 11 r/4.4 pr/LOW into the command box.

    result_of_edit attractions

    Figure 9a. Before entering edit-attraction 11 r/4.4 pr/LOW
  2. Note how Gardens by the Bay appears in the Attractions panel.


    Figure 9b. After entering edit-attraction 11 r/4.4 pr/LOW
:warning: Warning: Editing the tag of an attraction does not add on to its existing tags. Rather, it replaces all existing tags with the new tags you’re specifying.

4.2.3 Deleting a tourist attraction : delete-attraction

Deletes a tourist attraction from the current list of attractions.

Format: delete-attraction INDEX

  • Deletes the attraction at the specified INDEX shown in the attractions panel.

For example:

You want to delete Jurong Bird Park from your list of attractions.

  1. Enter delete-attraction 1 into the command box.

    result_of_delete attractions

    Figure 10a. Before entering delete-attraction 1
  2. First attraction in the list of attractions, Jurong Bird Park, is deleted.


    Figure 10b. After entering delete-attraction 1

Try these other examples too!

  • find-attraction animals followed by delete-attraction 2 deletes the second attraction in the results of the find-attraction command

4.2.4 Marking a tourist attraction as visited: markVisited-attraction

Marks a tourist attraction in the current list of attractions as visited.

Format: markVisited-attraction INDEX

  • Marks the attraction at the specified INDEX shown in the attractions panel as visited.
  • The attraction can only be marked visited if the attraction was not visited.

For example:

You have just visited Night Safari over the holidays. You want TrackPad to reflect that you have visited Night Safari.

  1. Enter markVisited-attraction 2 into the command box.

    result_of_markVisited attractions

    Figure 11a. Before entering markVisited-attraction 2
  2. Second attraction in the list of attractions, Night Safari, is marked as visited.


    Figure 11b. After entering markVisited-attraction 2

4.2.5 Finding a tourist attraction: find-attraction

Finds tourist attractions from the current list of attractions which contain the keyword(s).

Format: find-attraction KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g singapore zoo will match Singapore Zoo.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Zoo Singapore will match Singapore Zoo.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Sento will not match Sentosa.

For example:

You want to look for all the attractions that contain the keyword jurong.

  1. Enter find-attraction jurong into the command box.

    result_of_finding attractions

    Figure 12a. Before entering find-attraction jurong
  2. Jurong Bird Park and Snow City are displayed as they contain jurong in their fields.


    Figure 12b. After entering find-attraction jurong

4.2.6 Listing all tourist attractions : list-attraction

Shows all tourist attractions. Use this command to reset the view of the Attractions panel, as certain commands (find-attraction) can alter the view of the Attractions panel.

Format: list-attraction

For example:

After finding an attraction, you want to switch back to seeing all your attractions.

  1. Enter list-attraction into the command box.

    result_of_listing all attractions

    Figure 13a. Before entering list-attraction
  2. Note how all your attractions are displayed again.

    result_of_listing all_attractions

    Figure 13b. After entering list-attraction
:information_source: Note: list-attraction will work even if there are extra characters after the command. Eg. list-attraction abcd will behave like list-attraction.

4.2.7 Clearing all attractions : clear-attraction

Clears all tourist attractions.

Format: clear-attraction

:warning: Warning: clear-attraction will remove all the attractions stored in TrackPad. This action is irreversible and should be used with caution.

For example:

You want to delete all your attractions and start with an empty list of attractions.

  1. Enter clear-attraction into the command box.

    result_of_clearing all attractions

    Figure 14a. Before entering clear-attraction
  2. Note how all your attractions are now deleted.

    result_of_clearing all_attractions

    Figure 14b. After entering clear-attraction

4.3 Itinerary Features (Koon Kiat)

Itineraries help track the details of your trip, as well as the attractions you plan on visiting. The figure below shows how an itinerary looks like in the itineraries panel.

result_of_clearing all_attractions

Figure 15. Breakdown of an itinerary

Notice that the itineraries panel only shows a simplified view of your itineraries. The attractions in each itinerary are not displayed. To view them in detail, see selecting an itinerary, or just read on! To learn how to add, edit and delete attractions in your itineraries, see Itinerary Attraction Features.

The table below shows a summary of the commands in this section.

Action Format, Examples
Add itinerary add-itinerary n/ITINERARY sd/START_DATE ed/END_DATE [d/DESCRIPTION] [b/BUDGET]
e.g. add-itinerary n/Japan holiday sd/15-01-2019 ed/30-01-2019 d/with friends b/4000
Edit itinerary edit-itinerary INDEX [n/NAME] [sd/START_DATE] [ed/END_DATE] [d/DESCRIPTION] [b/BUDGET]
e.g. edit-itinerary 2 n/Singapore journey sd/05-06-2019
Delete itinerary delete-itinerary INDEX
e.g. delete-itinerary 3
Find itinerary find-itinerary KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. find-itinerary Korea
List itineraries list-itinerary
Select itinerary select-itinerary INDEX
e.g. select-itinerary 3
Clear all itineraries clear-itinerary

4.3.1 Adding a new itinerary: add-itinerary

Adds a new itinerary to the current list of itineraries.


Compulsory fields Description
ITINERARY_NAME Takes only letters and numbers and should not be blank
START_DATE Takes the format dd-mm-yyyy and should not be after the end date
END_DATE Takes the format dd-mm-yyyy and should not be before the start date
Optional fields Description
DESCRIPTION Takes any value
BUDGET Takes a non-negative number up to two decimal places, limited to 15 digits (including decimal places, if any)
:bulb: Tip: You do not have to specify itinerary locations as they are generated automatically from the itinerary attractions you have in your itineraries.

For example:

You want to add an itinerary for a trip to Europe with your friends.

  1. Enter add-itinerary n/Europe Trip sd/01-12-2020 ed/20-12-2020 d/with friends b/4000 into the command box.

    before_adding an itinerary

    Figure 16a. Before entering add-itinerary n/Europe Trip sd/01-12-2020 ed/20-12-2020 d/with friends b/4000

  2. Note how your new itinerary appears in the itineraries panel.

    after_adding an itinerary

    Figure 16b. After entering add-itinerary n/Europe Trip sd/01-12-2020 ed/20-12-2020 d/with friends b/4000

Try these other examples too!

  • add-itinerary n/Japan holiday sd/15-01-2019 ed/30-01-2019
  • add-itinerary n/Taiwan food tour sd/19-06-2021 ed/24-06-2021 d/explore night markets
:information_source: Note: Multiple itineraries of the same name, start date and end date cannot be added into the list of itineraries.

4.3.2 Editing an itinerary: edit-itinerary

Edits an itinerary from the current list of itineraries.

Format: edit-itinerary INDEX [n/NAME] [sd/START_DATE] [ed/END_DATE] [d/DESCRIPTION] [b/BUDGET]

  • Edits the itinerary at the specified INDEX shown in the itineraries panel.
  • Field entries are the same as the add-itinerary command.
  • Any field can be changed by inputting its corresponding PREFIX in the command.
:information_source: Note: You can use edit-itinerary INDEX PREFIX/ to remove existing optional fields.

For example:

After adding an itinerary for a trip to Europe that starts on 01-12-2020, you want to change the start date to 06-12-2020.

  1. Enter edit-itinerary 2 sd/06-12-2020 into the command box.

    result_of_editing an itinerary

    Figure 17a. Before entering edit-itinerary 2 sd/06-12-2020

  2. Note how the start date of the second itinerary has changed from 01-12-2020 to 06-12-2020.

    result_of_editing an itinerary

    Figure 17b. After entering edit-itinerary 2 sd/06-12-2020

Try these other examples too!

  • edit-itinerary 1 d/ to remove the description of your first itinerary
  • edit-itinerary 2 ed/15-12-2020 b/1000 to change the end date and budget of your second itinerary

4.3.3 Deleting an itinerary: delete-itinerary

Deletes an itinerary from the current list of itineraries.

Format: delete-itinerary INDEX

  • Deletes the itinerary at the specified INDEX shown in the itineraries panel.

For example:

You do not want to store your first itinerary in the app anymore, and you want to delete it.

  1. Enter delete-itinerary 1 into the command box.

    result_of_deleting an itinerary

    Figure 18a. Before entering delete-itinerary 1

  2. Note how your first itinerary has been deleted, and there is now one less itinerary.

    result_of_deleting an itinerary

    Figure 18b. After entering delete-itinerary 1

4.3.4 Finding an itinerary: find-itinerary

Finds itineraries from the current list of itineraries which contain the keyword(s).

Format: find-itinerary KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g japan will match Japan
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Okinawa Japan will match Japan Okinawa
  • Every itinerary field will be searched, as well as the fields of all the itinerary attractions in the itinerary.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Jap will not match Japan

For example:

You want to look for all the itineraries that contain the keyword Europe.

  1. Enter find-itinerary Europe into the command box.

    result_of_finding an itinerary

    Figure 19a. Before entering find-itinerary Europe

  2. Note how only the itinerary containing the word Europe is displayed.

    result_of_finding an itinerary

    Figure 19b. After entering find-itinerary Europe

Try these other examples too!

  • find-itinerary 01-09-2020 to find itineraries that have 01-09-2020 as their start or end date
  • find-itinerary Singapore to find itineraries that take place in Singapore

4.3.5 Listing all itineraries: list-itinerary

Shows all itineraries. Use this command to reset the view of the itineraries panel, as certain commands (find-itinerary, select-itinerary) can alter the view of the itineraries panel.

Format: list-itinerary

For example:

After finding an itinerary, you want to go back to seeing all your itineraries.

  1. Enter list-itinerary into the command box.

    result_of_listing itineraries

    Figure 20a. Before entering list-itinerary

  2. Note how all your itineraries are displayed again.

    result_of_listing itineraries

    Figure 20b. After entering list-itinerary

:information_source: Note: list-itinerary will work even if there are extra characters after the command. Eg. list-itinerary abcd will behave like list-itinerary.

4.3.6 Selecting an itinerary: select-itinerary

Selects an itinerary to be shown in detail, from the current list of itineraries. In detailed view, you can see a timetable of the attractions in the itinerary. For more information on how to add, edit, and delete attractions in an itinerary, see Itinerary Attraction Features.

Format: select-itinerary INDEX

  • Selects the itinerary at the specified INDEX shown in the itineraries panel.
:bulb: Tip: To go back to seeing the list of itineraries, use list-itinerary.

For example:

You want to view in detail the attractions in your first itinerary.

  1. Enter select-itinerary 1 into the command box.

    result_of_selecting itinerary

    Figure 21a. Before entering select-itinerary 1

  2. Note how the itineraries panel has changed to show a detailed view of the attractions in the itinerary.

    result_of_selecting itinerary

    Figure 21b. After entering select-itinerary 1

4.3.7 Clearing all itineraries : clear-itinerary

Clears all itineraries.

Format: clear-itinerary

:warning: Warning: clear-itinerary will remove all the itineraries stored in TrackPad. This action is irreversible and should be used with caution.

For example:

You want to delete all your itineraries, and start over with an empty list of itineraries.

  1. Enter clear-itinerary into the command box.

    result_of_clearing all itineraries

    Figure 22a. Before entering clear-itinerary

  2. Note how all your itineraries are now deleted.

    result_of_clearing all itineraries

    Figure 22b. After entering clear-itinerary

4.4 Itinerary Attraction Features (Yeh Yu Chun)

Itinerary attractions are attractions added to an itinerary, but with additional start/end time fields. These commands deal with attractions that are found in an itinerary.

:information_source: Note: Any command in this section requires an itinerary to be first selected. Refer to Selecting an itinerary to select an Itinerary before proceeding.

The table below shows a summary of the commands in this section.

Action Format, Examples
Add itinerary attraction add-itinerary-attraction INDEX st/START_TIME et/END_TIME day/DAY_VISITING
e.g. add-itinerary-attraction 1 st/1400 et/1500 day/5
Edit itinerary attraction edit-itinerary-attraction INDEX day/DAY_VISITING [st/START_TIME] [et/END_TIME]
e.g. edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 st/0900 et/1000
Delete itinerary attraction delete-itinerary-attraction INDEX
e.g. delete-itinerary-attraction 1

Diagram explaining Itinerary Attraction

Figure 23. Diagram showing the attractions found in an itinerary

In Figure 23 above,

  • The left side shows attractions you have added.
  • The right side shows the itinerary currently selected.
  • Notice the right copy of Jurong Bird Park’s name has the addition of a start and end time on top of it.

Let’s start filling up your itinerary with attractions!

4.4.1 Adding an attraction to the selected itinerary: add-itinerary-attraction

Adds an attraction to the selected itinerary.

Format: add-itinerary-attraction INDEX st/START_TIME et/END_TIME day/DAY_VISITING

Compulsory fields Description
INDEX Index of attraction in the current list of attractions
START_TIME Start time to visit the attraction in the 24H format HHMM
END_TIME End time to visit the attraction in the 24H format HHMM
DAY_VISITING Day in your itinerary when you plan to visit the attraction

For example:

  1. Look on the left side of the image below. You want to add Night Safari to your Selected Itinerary.

    result of add itinerary attraction

    Figure 24a. Diagram showing current state of selected itinerary

  2. You want to visit it on day 2, from 1000 to 1100. Enter add-itinerary-attraction 2 day/2 st/1000 et/1100 into the command box.

    result of add itinerary attraction

    Figure 24b. Before entering add-itinerary-attraction 2 day/2 st/1000 et/1100

  3. Night Safari has been added into your Selected Itinerary.

    result of add itinerary attraction

    Figure 24c. After entering add-itinerary-attraction 2 day/2 st/1000 et/1100

Try these other examples too!

  • add-itinerary-attraction 3 st/1000 et/1600 day/3 Adds the third item from attractions list into Day 3 of the Selected Itinerary
  • add-itinerary-attraction 5 st/0900 et/1200 day/4 Adds the fifth item from attractions list into Day 4 of the Selected Itinerary

:bulb: Tip:

  • The start and end time cannot overlap with other attractions on the same day of the selected itinerary.
  • The start and end time does not need to match the opening hours of the attraction, so that you can visit closed attractions.

4.4.2 Editing an attraction from the selected itinerary : edit-itinerary-attraction

Edits an existing attraction in the selected itinerary.


  • Edits the attraction specified by the INDEX and DAY_VISITING shown in the itineraries panel.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
:information_source: Note: Some fields can be left empty to remove it. Example, edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/1 t/ would remove the tag from the attraction.

For example:

  1. You made a mistake by adding the START_TIME of Night Safari as 1000, but it is not open in the day.

    result of edit itinerary attraction

    Figure 25a. Diagram showing current state of selected itinerary

  2. Enter edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 st/1900 et/2300 into the command box.

    result of edit itinerary attraction

    Figure 25b. Before entering edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 st/1900 et/2300

  3. Scroll down the Selected Itinerary and notice the START_TIME of Night Safari has been changed to 1900 - 2300.

    result of edit itinerary attraction

    Figure 25c. After entering edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 st/1900 et/2300

Try these other examples too!

  • edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 et/2200 Edits the END_TIME of the first attraction in Day 2 to 2200
:bulb: Tip: Only the INDEX and day/DAY_VISITING is required to identify the field to edit.

4.4.3 Deleting an attraction from the selected itinerary: delete-itinerary-attraction

Deletes an attraction from the selected itinerary.

Format: delete-itinerary-attraction INDEX day/DAY_VISITING

  • Deletes the attraction specified by the INDEX and DAY_VISITING shown in the itineraries panel.

For example:

  1. You no longer want to visit Night Safari.

  2. You want to delete it from your Selected Itinerary.

  3. Enter delete-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2, into the command box.

    result of delete itinerary attraction

    Figure 26a. Before entering delete-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2

  4. Scroll down the Selected Itinerary and notice Day 2 is now empty.

    result of delete itinerary attraction

    Figure 26b. After delete-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2

Try these other examples too!

  • delete-itinerary-attraction 1 day/1 Deletes the first attraction from Day 1 of Selected Itinerary

4.5 Miscellaneous Features (Yuxuan)

These basic features help TrackPad to run smoothly, as well as allow you to interact with TrackPad without the use of your mouse, perfect for fast typists!

4.5.1 Viewing help : help

You can use this command whenever you are unsure about any features, and the link will lead you straight to our user guide which will help to clarify your doubts.

help message

Figure 27. The help window of TrackPad

Format: help

4.5.2 Exiting the program : exit

You can type this command into the command box to exit the program.

Format: exit

4.5.3 Saving the data

Your data in TrackPad will be saved in the storage automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: After installing the app in the other computer, overwrite the empty data folder it creates in the home folder with the data folder of your previous TrackPad home folder.

Q: Where do I go to if I need help?
A: Simply head to TrackPad’s issue page and create an issue! Kindly allow us some time to reach back to you.

Q: What should I do if I want to recover the attractions after clearing them?
A: Unfortunately, there is no way to recover the attractions you have added into TrackPad. However, you can delete the attractionlist.json file found in your data folder to get back those original attractions which are added into TrackPad beforehand.

6. Glossary (Yuxuan)

  • Command Line Interface (CLI): An interface that processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): An interface that allows users to interact with through visual indicator representations.
  • Fields: The details of an attraction/itinerary/itinerary attraction which you can add into TrackPad (Address is a field for Attraction, Budget is a field for Itinerary).
  • PREFIX: The letter(s) and ‘/’ placed before the corresponding fields when typing the commands (‘n/’ for Name, ‘op/’ for Opening Hours etc).
  • INDEX: The number shown in the displayed attractions/itineraries panel. Must be a positive number (1, 2, 3, …).
  • DAY_VISITING: The day in a selected itinerary which contains the attraction(s) planned to visit. Must be a positive number (1, 2, 3, …).

7. Command summary (Robin)

Below is a condensed table for all the commands currently supported in our app. Refer to this table whenever you want a quick refresher.

7.1 Attraction Commands

Action Format, Examples
e.g. add n/Singapore Zoo p/62693411 t/hot a/80 Mandai Lake Rd, 729826
Edit attraction edit-attraction INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​
e.g. edit 2 n/Singapore Zoo e/zoo@example.com
Delete attraction delete-attraction INDEX
e.g. delete 3
Mark Visited attraction markVisited-attraction INDEX
e.g. markVisited-attraction 2
Find attraction find-attraction KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. find Zoo
List attractions list-attraction
Clear all attractions clear-attraction

7.2 Itinerary Commands

Action Format, Examples
Add itinerary add-itinerary n/ITINERARY sd/START_DATE ed/END_DATE [d/DESCRIPTION] [b/BUDGET]
e.g. add-itinerary n/Japan holiday sd/15-01-2019 ed/30-01-2019 d/with friends b/4000
Edit itinerary edit-itinerary INDEX [n/NAME] [sd/START_DATE] [ed/END_DATE] [d/DESCRIPTION] [b/BUDGET]
e.g. edit-itinerary 2 n/Singapore journey sd/05-06-2019
Delete itinerary delete-itinerary INDEX
e.g. delete-itinerary 3
Find itinerary find-itinerary KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. find-itinerary Korea
List itineraries list-itinerary
Select itinerary select-itinerary INDEX
e.g. select-itinerary 3
Clear all itineraries clear-itinerary

7.3 Itinerary attraction Commands

Action Format, Examples
Add itinerary attraction add-itinerary-attraction INDEX st/START_TIME et/END_TIME day/DAY_VISITING
e.g. add-itinerary-attraction 1 st/1400 et/1500 day/5
Edit itinerary attraction edit-itinerary-attraction INDEX day/DAY_VISITING [st/START_TIME] [et/END_TIME]
e.g. edit-itinerary-attraction 1 day/2 st/0900 et/1000
Delete itinerary attraction delete-itinerary-attraction INDEX
e.g. delete-itinerary-attraction 1

7.4 Miscellaneous Commands

Action Format, Examples
Help help
Exit exit